proofread your content

Content optimization is related to its writing: the content of the site should be interesting for both
ordinary users and web robots. The content should guide visitors to the site to the goal (place an order,
download a brochure, etc.), and for robots – offer texts that are most relevant to the selected queries. It is
not always possible to work with both sides at once and you have to look for compromise options,
changing the structures of the texts, trying different styles. Finding the optimal solution can take a long
time, since each option must be indexed and taken into account by the search engine.

We offer a number of recommendations that will facilitate your work on writing texts for the site.
The first group of tips is aimed at covering user needs. The second is for SEO optimization of texts. Both
groups indirectly influence each other.

Recommendations for optimizing content and cheap proofreading useful for

If you are looking for a cheap proofreading service, following
, you come to the right place. This service will provide you with an essay
proofreader and everyone working for the company is highly experienced in the area of proofreading.

The text should be structured and logical. It is better to put several detailed sentences in a
compact but weighty phrase. Each next paragraph should not go without the other.

Don’t write long texts. The Internet is a field for finding clear and quick answers. Write each
paragraph in such a way as to provoke the user to read the next, but at the same time avoid “water” in the
text. There are no clear criteria for the volume of texts, but, according to experience, it is already quite
difficult to read more than 3000 characters on one page of a corporate website.

The very first phrase that all visitors will see should carry a crystal clear thought. It’s what shows
up on the surface that counts. For example, the line “Welcome to the site of Horns and Hooves” does not
mean anything to the visitor, and you need to read the text. But it is easier to go to another site, where the
first line – “The company has been working in the market for installing plastic windows for 10 years
already” – clearly describes the topic of the site, confirming to the visitor that his choice is correct.

Avoid unnatural phrases, grammatical errors, an overabundance of keywords – all this leads to a
loss of trust in the site and the company.

Recommendations for optimizing texts for web robots:

Logically highlighted parts of the content matter the most, so it is very important to competently
(but not overdoing) use all possible page markup tools: specify the page title (title tag), page title (h1 tag),
first paragraph, first subheadings of the page (h2 tags), highlighted words in the text (strong and em

The keywords selected for website promotion must be used in the name and title of the page,
evenly distributed throughout the text of the page (both in exact form and in word forms) and appear as
highlighted words in the text. Their number should be natural, so pay attention to the density of keywords,
which, according to various observations, should not exceed 5-7% of the total volume of the text.

The number of precise forms and individual words from key phrases are of high importance when
calculating text relevance. The natural text must contain different forms of key phrases and separately
occurring words, and then the site will not be penalized for over-optimized content.

To write a text that is interesting to people and optimal for a search engine, you need to prepare 2
documents. The first document – a brief for the text – is responsible for the perception of the text by the
user. The brief is filled in by the site owner or marketer, because only he can provide information on how
to contact visitors, how to name the company correctly, what is its difference from other companies. The
second document is the terms of reference for the text. It is formed by a seo specialist based on the
analysis of sites included in the TOP 10 for the selected keywords.

After both documents are drawn up, the text is written and optimized according to the listed

How to prepare optimized texts for a website?

In the search engine promotion of sites, one of the key roles is played by high-quality optimized
texts. A good text, firstly, gives the user the most complete and specific information about the product or
service that you are selling, reveals the advantages of your company, gently leads a potential client to
make a purchase or send an application. Secondly, search engines “like” good text – it is unique, relevant
to the query, but at the same time it is not over spammed by keywords.

There are several ways to create high-quality text for the promoted website page:

1. Write the text yourself.

No one knows the specifics and subtleties of your business better than you, so the material
written by yourself will very accurately convey all the details. However, there is a risk that the preparation
of the text will be delayed, because other urgent matters will constantly distract from this task. In addition,
experience is required to prepare optimized texts: it is not easy to take into account all the requirements
regarding the number of keywords and word forms that should be used in the text the first time.

2. Order text from the essay writing service.

There are many essay writing services available today. To order a text online, you need to draw
up a detailed technical assignment for a copywriter, which, in addition to the specifics of your business,
will indicate the requirements for SEO optimization (the number of keywords, the peculiarities of their
distribution in the text, etc.). One freelance copywriter is working on the text, so the quality of the text will
completely depend on his professional competence.

3. Order text from service.

To set a task for writing a text, you need to use the “SEO-text” service, which is available for all
customers of at a cheap price. It is required to specify as input data:

  • order name;
  • keywords for which it is necessary to improve the position of the site;
  • the number of characters in the text;
  • other requirements for the text – marketing aspects, wishes for the style of the text, etc.

A whole team of specialists works on each text: SEO-optimizer, copywriter, proofreader and
editor – so you do not have to independently calculate the number of occurrences of keywords and look
for grammatical errors in the finished article.

Thus, with the help of an service, you can order content for the site without
interrupting the promotion process, and as a result you will receive a text that “sells” your product and is
professionally optimized at the same time.

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