generate instagram access token

What’s an Instagram Access Token?

The Instagram Access Token is a long string of characters unique to your account that grants other applications access to your Instagram feed.

Why do I need a token?

Most of our blogger themes uses custom Instagram widget so that users can put their Instagram Photos on their website/blogs to make it beautiful. So in order to use Instagram Photos in your websites or blogs you now need to Generate Instagram Access Token and put that token in the Custom Instagram Widget to display your Instagram Photos. Without the token, your website will be unable to talk to the Instagram servers. The token provides a secure way for a website to ask Instagram’s permission to access your profile and display its images.

Why should I trust you with my token?

Oddthemes is just the company that made this tool to generate your token. We do not have access to your Instagram tokens, nor do we intend to use them or your photos for any purpose.


[button class=”blue” link=”” size=”large” text_size=”beta”]Generate My Instagram Access Token[/button]


Recently Instagram has changed their their api structure and endpoints policy which caused many third party application stopped working. Now To Show Instagram photos on your website/blog, you’ll need to provide an Instagram Access Token. You can do this by clicking the Generate Instagram Access Token button below. After clicking, you’ll be prompted by Instagram to sign In your Instagram account. Just provide your Instagram credentials and then you’ll be asked to authorize Oddthemes to access your Instagram photos

If Everything went well, You’ll be brought back to this page again and, your Instagram Access Token will be ready for you. Copy and paste this access token into the correct field. Do not share this token with Anyone else.


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